Sunday, May 24, 2009

This journey has been amazing like everyone else I am extremely grateful to have had this experience. I feel so much stronger and have lot's more energy. My weight loss goal has not yet been made so I will continue my journey solo. I have learned so much I feel confident that I will be successful I am doing great with my exercise I am working out 5-6 days per week and plan to continue. Thanks so much!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feeling Great

It is amazing what the body is capable of doing... if only we are willing to invest the time. I did the "Fun Run" which is hosted by the elementary school all of the kids 1-6 participate in this and parents and friends can run as well. Anyway, I ran along side my 6th grader and kept telling her we needed to keep going. It feels so good to be physically active everyday; I really do have so much more energy then I did before. I am sad this program is coming to an end however, I have learned alot and plan to continue to work hard and reach the goals that I have set for myself.
It is great to have coworkers, the other participants, and family support to make sure I stay on task.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Time goes so fast

Here it is week 8 and I am just barely starting to figure a few things out. I am amazed at the drive all these women have and sometimes feel like I am the weak link; or as in Biggest Loser terms "The one that needs to stay at the ranch."
Dr Carter stated (the first time we meet as a group)... this program can do amazing things for you if you really want it as he had seen from previous participants. I love to go to the Nutrition class each week to talk to these ladies…. It seems to help inspire me to do better and Jalaine is so knowledgeable and helpful as well.
The weeks are flying by way too fast, and I still need to learn so much!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today Mike (he is a Chef and Manager at Utah Valley Hospital) spoke about his own weight loss journey.) He has maintained a 90 lb weight loss over the last four years some of the things that he shared I thought were helpful:

Be a “Conscious Eater” sit down to the table and eat your meal; and be aware of what you are eating (which means don’t snack in the car, or in front of the tv, or at your desk at work). Take time to taste the food and enjoy it.

Be prepared: Buy meat in bulk and cook it all at once then freeze it in individual serving sizes. Buy a big container of almonds and package in 1 oz serving size baggies. Plan a menu out each week or month and prepare in advance.

Anyhow here are a few things that I learned and wanted to pass along. Family I hope you still check in on me once in a while….I need your support to keep me on track.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Must be realistic

Today is my birthday and I wanted to be able to buy a few new clothes. And of course I had an unrealistic goal that I would lose 20 lbs by now. So, since I haven’t lost the 20 lbs I’d planned to punish myself and not buy new clothes.
Well, I have learned that it is important to make goals realistic so therefore, even though I am not necessarily buying clothes in the size I want. I will still buy a new outfit to celebrate what I have accomplished.
I want to be a realist and not set impossible goals that set me up for failure, so what I have started doing is: while keeping my food journal at the beginning of each week I set one-two goals that I will work on for the week!! This is only my second week so will see how it goes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Positive Thinking

Things are going well, for the moment.... I need to focus on the positive changes I've made. I quit soda (I was drinking two 32oz Pepsi(s) everyday), I am making it to the gym to workout 5-6 days per week. I've even managed to lose some weight.
I am still struggling with my diet some and need to make some adjustments to what I am eating.
I ran into Sherry (one of the other participants) tonight at the gym and she gave me some suggestions on some tasty snacks. I plan to give these suggestions a try.
So my goal for this week is to work on my nutrition some more. Yes, I did say that last week but no one is perfect and now is not the time to get down on myself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Diet Frustration

I have made some healthy changes so far but still feel that I am lacking when it comes to my diet. To be quite honest I just feel overwhelmed! So my goal over the next few weeks is to focus on my diet. I plan to accomplish this by continuing my food dairy (which I keep daily). And I guess try and figure a way to incorporate some healthy eating habits without getting so overwhelmed.

If anyone has any advice I could really use!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well, things are going ok for me. I have lost 5lbs so far.... I have been doing really well with my exercising, just this week I have started to run a little on the treadmill. I am up to 60 minutes on my cardio (YEAH) this is a big accomplishment for me.
One thing I have discovered while going to the gym, I must be entertained so I have started to bring my IPod with some fast pace songs and I also download books to listen to. I have noticed that if I am preoccupied the time goes a lot faster.
I am also doing strength training two days per week, I alternate working my lower body on Tuesdays and upper body on Friday.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting Started

Dr Carter asked us to reflect on why it is that we are doing this?
The last four years have been extremely trying for me and my family. I lost my dad at age 57 to diabetes. My sister to hypothyroidism at age 24; and my mother just this last year to heart failure. Through all these experiences it has helped me realize that good health is very important!!! I myself would like to live a full and healthy life and realize this can be made possible by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.